Friday 18 July 2014

Humanity Should Be Preferred Over Barbarity

 looking at the current scenario politics is just like marsh once u get into it you can't come outside. no 1 want's their children to be a politician, but why as we go through the history its democracy only by which there is so much of equality and piece every where. then where is the problem i think it's we today's generation, because we are taking it very easily.
every body says that politics should be neat and clean, every body will give an advice, but in reality no body will take the responsibility.
Now a days politics is a hub of uneducated,illiterates and enemy's of humanity. Nor they have emotions neither sympathy, they can fall at any extent to win, to rule and to earn by crushing and demolishing the common and innocent one's.
All of you must have heard about Malaysian plain air crash, it's nothing but an output of cheap politics. Two countries are trying to show their superiority by killing the common one's.
It's unfair as "humanity should be preferred over barbarity". weak and common people should not be the tools to play.
War would never give a solution for any obstacle or dispute,instead of carnage, extirpation & ruination.
So every country over this earth should take this fix seriously before it leads to 3rd world war. 

Only educated and responsible people should be allow in politics  with a retirement plan, and all the power should not be given in a single hand...
U.N.O should be more strict.

Tuesday 15 July 2014


when almighty concocted the universe, and was about to send wight, one of them asked "OH GOD" please tell me that after taking birth when i'll be in a quandary, how would you help me, #GOD smiles and replied that, My Dear Son  on earth i'll always be there with you, and you call me your mother. I'll give birth to you, I'll always protect you from all the hitches of your life, you'll always feel safe in my shelter, I'll be your first teacher and will teach you every lesson of life, I'll be your 1st friend to whom you could share your problems and i'll help you without any condition, My arms would always open for you when you'll need a hug, I'll sing for you to make you smile, I will scold you when you'll commit a mistake, i'll always love you.
             But my dear son always remember that if you would ever hurt your #mother u'll hurt me & then god disappears.

why mother is considered as greater then god

Mother’s love is deeper than ocean,
Mother’s lesson is bigger than the sky, 
Mother’s sacrifice is greater than God,
Mother’s lap is more comfortable than the warm bed,
Mother’s tale is better than the best novel on this earth,
Mother’s picture is more beautiful than a fascinating scenery
Mother’s blessings are more powerful than the thousands of seas,
Mother’s shade is cooler than the shade of heavy laden trees,
Mother’s light is brighter than the sun,
Mother’s role is seventy times greater than the father,

Mother’s place is more sacred than any shrine,Mother’s care higher than the heaven.

Monday 14 July 2014


Despite popular belief that happiness depends solely on you, the way to achieve it may not lie just within yourself, but in your relationships and interactions with others. “When we have feelings of caring or love for other people, we feel better,” “We all think we want to be loved, but what actually feels good to us is feeling loving – and part of what makes us feel more love for other people is doing kind, compassionate things for them.” The good news is, if you don’t normally identify as someone who is overly empathetic. You find commonalities with other people.
Compassionate people know what it’s like to be down on their luck, and they keep those experiences in mind to develop a more empathetic nature, whether through volunteering or just simply networking. “Compassionate people are very outward-focused because they think and feel about other people,” “They have that ability to feel others’ feelings, so they’re very socially connected.” And turns out, there’s science behind why we feel compassion toward people who have been in our same boat. Humans’ sense of compassion actually increases when there’s a common connection with the other person. The compassion we feel for others is not solely a function of what befalls them: if our minds draw an association between a victim and ourselves — even a relatively trivial one — the compassion we feel for his or her suffering is amplified greatly,”